Menatep @ Clearstream - Frits Bolkestein presence on Menatep's international consultative council
(Updated 02-28-2015) The Frits Bolkestein's presence on Menatep's international consultative council, a Russian banking establishment.
"Mr Bolkestein joined Menatep's Advisory Board. He will help the management of the Menatep Group to protect the group's interests in the light of the criminal proceedings brought by the Russian authorities against components of the Menatep Group. " (src ; europarliament)
Epilogue : Bolkestein, European Commissioner refuses to investigate in Luxembourg)

Answering the question raised by European MPs(MEP) Harlem Désir, Glyn Ford and Francis Wurtz, who asked the Commission to investigate the accusations made by the book and to ensure that the 10 June 1990 directive (91/308 EC) on control of financial establishment be applied in all member states in an effective way, Commissioner Frits Bolkestein observed that "the Commission has no reason to date to believe that the Luxembourg authorities do not apply it vigorously".
Furthermore, two Belgian Senators, Isabelle Durant and Jean Cornil, proposed a law in vain in 2004 to create a national investigation commission charged with the investigation of the use of accounts in "clearing and routing firms" to commit fiscal frauds (tax evasion) and/or money-laundering.[21]

Menatep account @ clearstream Luxembourg
Libellés : bank, bolkestein, clearstream, commissioner, european, luxembourg, menatep