samedi 28 février 2015

Menatep @ Clearstream - Frits Bolkestein presence on Menatep's international consultative council

(Updated 02-28-2015)  The Frits Bolkestein's presence on Menatep's international consultative council, a Russian banking establishment. 
"Mr Bolkestein joined Menatep's Advisory Board. He will help the management of the Menatep Group to protect the group's interests in the light of the criminal proceedings brought by the Russian authorities against components of the Menatep Group. "     (src ; europarliament)

Epilogue : Bolkestein, European Commissioner refuses to investigate in Luxembourg)

Answering the question raised by European MPs(MEP) Harlem DésirGlyn Ford and Francis Wurtz, who asked the Commission to investigate the accusations made by the book and to ensure that the 10 June 1990 directive (91/308 EC) on control of financial establishment be applied in all member states in an effective way, Commissioner Frits Bolkestein observed that "the Commission has no reason to date to believe that the Luxembourg authorities do not apply it vigorously". 

Furthermore, two Belgian Senators, Isabelle Durant and Jean Cornil, proposed a law in vain in 2004 to create a national investigation commission charged with the investigation of the use of accounts in "clearing and routing firms" to commit fiscal frauds (tax evasion) and/or money-laundering.[21]The bank's financial condition was seriously damaged during the 1998 financial crisis due to a requirement by the Russian Central Bank that all commercial banks keep an economically untenable proportion of their reserve requirements in Russian treasury bills known as GKO, which subsequently collapsed, causing a default which led to the crisis and Bank Menatep's bankruptcy. The Central Bank revoked Menatep's licence in May 1999. However, according to Ernest Backes, former #3 of Clearstream, a clearing-house which has been qualified as a "bank of banks", Menatep maintained an unpublished secret account at Clearstream until at least 2000. The bankruptcy was finalized by February 2001. In an unprecedented move, the core shareholders of the bank, the financial holding Group Menatep, of which Khodorkovsky was a principal, made a decision to pay their own money to all 15,000 Bank Menatep small depositors whose savings had been wiped out by the collapse. A new Bank Menatep Saint Petersburg was created from the Saint Petersburg division of Bank Menatep. It accumulated the assets but not the liabilities of the original bank.[citation needed] In 2004 the bank was bought by the management and renamed to Trust National Bank.

Menatep account @ clearstream Luxembourg

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Today,Shell petroleum accounts in Luxembourg - Frits Bolkestein

Today, find the Shell petroleum accounts in Luxembourg (Clearstream) - A Frits Bolkestein former employer for 16 years. (Read full story)

Published and unpublished Shell Pétroleum accounts in Clearstream  Luxembourg

European Written Question (European Parliament)

 Subject:  Clearstream, Menatep and Bolkestein
On 26 March 2001, Mr Harlem Désir (PSE) put Question P‑1069/01(1) to the Commission. He asked the Commission to investigate revelations of serious breaches of financial regulations by the international clearing house Clearstream, based in Luxembourg. Among the points he mentioned was the involvement of the bank Menatep in the embezzlement of IMF funds in Russia. Secret bank accounts exist and suspect transactions and offshore centres have not been investigated.
On 2 May 2001 Mr Bolkestein replied on behalf of the Commission that there were no grounds for a European investigation because Luxembourg had transposed the relevant directive on money laundering correctly and was applying it correctly. He expressed every confidence in the Luxembourg court.
In 2001 Menatep brought legal proceedings against those who had revealed the breaches. A court in France rejected its application, and the rejection was upheld on appeal in 2004. The Shell group has secret bank accounts with Clearstream. Mr Bolkestein worked for Shell for 16 years.
Recently, Mr Bolkestein joined Menatep's Advisory Board. He will help the management of the Menatep Group to protect the group's interests in the light of the criminal proceedings brought by the Russian authorities against components of the Menatep Group.
1. Does the Commission believe that there are now after all grounds for a European investigation, as this is clearly not a matter internal to Luxembourg?
2. Can it explain the role of Commissioner Bolkestein, in view of his former relationship with Shell and the relationship he has since entered into with Menatep?
3. In connection with the reply to the question, did Menatep contact Commissioner Bolkestein or his private office?
4. Does the Commission respect the judgments given by Russia's criminal courts to the extent of taking the necessary action prompted by them in conjunction with the code of conduct for European Commissioners?
Answering the question raised by European MPs(MEP) Harlem DésirGlyn Ford and Francis Wurtz, who asked the Commission to investigate the accusations made by the book and to ensure that the 10 June 1990 directive (91/308 EC) on control of financial establishment be applied in all member states in an effective way, Commissioner Frits Bolkestein observed that "the Commission has no reason to date to believe that the Luxembourg authorities do not apply it vigorously". On April 26, 2006, 20 Minutes revealed that "in May 2005, MEP Paul Van Buitenen was shocked by Frits Bolkestein's presence on Menatep's international consultative council, a Russian banking establishment, and by his work for Shell, a British-Dutch petrol company, two firms 'maintaining secret accounts in Clearstream'... Van Buitenen, also Dutch, then asked for 'clarification' to the European Commission and the opening of a parliamentary investigation. The Commission's president, José Manuel Barroso, replied that these facts 'do not bring up any new question' and that it is not known 'if Menatep made contact with Bolkestein while he was in these positions'. No investigation therefore took place."

Before 2001, following the internals rules of Clearstream, only banks were accepted in the system.

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vendredi 27 février 2015

Today, find the BCCI,account - BCCI-Bank of Crooks and Criminals as named by financials @ clearstream Luxembourg

Today, find the BCCI,account - BCCI-Bank of Crooks and Criminals as named by financials @ clearstream Luxembourg/

Clearstream Chief executive said : "We do not accept all the banks in our system" (André Lussi, 2001)

BCCI came under the scrutiny of numerous financial regulators and intelligence agencies in the 1980s due to concerns that it was poorly regulated. Subsequent investigations revealed that it was involved in massivemoney laundering and other financial crimes, and illegally gained controlling interest in a major American bank. BCCI became the focus of a massive regulatory battle in 1991 and on 5 July of that year customs and bank regulators in seven countries raided and locked down records of its branch offices.[4]

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Updated Commerzbank accounts@ Clearstream Luxembourg

Updated ; there are 73 Commerbank accounts in Luxembourg (not 22 as mentioned a few days ago.)

"Le Luxembourg n’en a peut-être pas terminé avec les scandales financiers. Selon les journaux allemands Süddeutsche Zeitung,NDR et WDR, des enquêteurs allemands ont perquisitionné ce mardi le siège de la Commerzbank à Francfort. Des employés de la filiale luxembourgeoise de la banque sont soupçonnés d’avoir aidé des clients à cacher de l’argent au fisc allemand.
Interrogé par la presse allemande, un porte-parole de la Commerzbank a simplement expliqué que la banque coopérait avec les autorités. L’information judiciaire concerne des faits qui datent de dix ans ou plus. Entre-temps, l’entreprise aurait fait sa propre analyse en interne des cas litigieux. «La Commerzbank refuse toute relation commerciale avec des clients qui ne seraient pas en règle avec le fisc», a indiqué le porte-parole.
Quelque 150 avocats et spécialistes des questions fiscales participent à l’enquête, selon la Süddeutsche Zeitung."
(L'essentiel avec DPA)

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mercredi 25 février 2015

Today find The European Commission Account @ Clearstream Luxembourg

Today, find the COMMISSION OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES Clearstream account in a system out of public control 

The account of Directorate-General for Taxation and Customs Union ; DG XVIII – Credit and Investments ; Directorate-General for Financial Control.

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Today find the 22 CommerzBank accounts at Clearstream Luxembourg

CommerzBank and the 22 Clearstream Accounts;

There are 11 published accounts at Clearstream and 11 unpublished accounts.
Today (February 25th), CommerzBank faces to fraud allegations.
 (see the link below for more)

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mardi 24 février 2015

Today, find the 340 Citibank accounts@ clearstream banking Luxembourg

There is a list of 282 unpublished accounts for only 58 published accounts @ clearstream banking Luxembourg + a Reuters News for Iran from 2009 about Clearstream and Citibank
Second column : Y published N unpublished

(Reuters) - A U.S. court last year secretly froze more than $2 billion allegedly held for Iran in Citigroup Inc accounts, the Wall Street Journal reported on Saturday, citing legal documents.
The U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York, acting in part on information provided by the U.S. Treasury Department, ordered Citibank to freeze the money in June 2008, the newspaper said.
The money is in accounts held by Luxembourg's Clearstream Banking AG , a subsidiary of Germany's Deutsche Boerse AG, the newspaper said.
Citibank, Clearstream and the Iranian government declined to comment, the Journal said.
Clearstream has denied holding funds for Iran according to court documents cited by the newspaper, and is fighting to get the funds released.
U.S. firms are forbidden from doing business with Iran. There is no indication Citibank knew the funds could have belonged to Iran, the newspaper said.
The money is part of a battle between the families of U.S. Marines killed or injured in a 1983 bombing in Beirut, Lebanon, that a U.S. court ruled was organized by Iran.
In 2007, a judge ordered Tehran to pay the victims' families $2.7 billion in compensation.
Lawyers for the families seeking compensation subpoenaed the Treasury Department to find information about Iranian assets held in the United States, which led to a secret court order to freeze Clearstream's accounts at Citibank, the newspaper said.
"I was stunned when this money popped up in New York," Steven Perles, a lawyer representing the victims' families, told the Journal.

Hommage aux victimes Françaises des attentats de Beirut en 1983
The case comes as Obama administration weighs whether to pursue more sanctions againstIran over its nuclear program.

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samedi 21 février 2015

today find Santa claus clearstream account @ clearstream (it is not a joke)

Aujourd'hui le compte de, et ce n'est pas une blague.
Today find Santa Claus (Pè cleastream account @ clearstream (it is not a joke)

From a 2004 listing

Compte PERE-NOEL.FR, une gigantesque arnaque en ligne.

Historique info;

Le 10 juin 2003, l’affaire qui était cotée en bourse depuis 3 ans, était en effet mise en faillite par le tribunal de commerce de Lyon. Le 27 juin, la 31ème chambre du TGI de Paris condamnait Alexandre et Grégoire Fur les dirigeants-fondateurs de l’entreprise « démissionnés » par leur conseil d’administration le 21 octobre 2002, à 200 jours-amendes de 50 euros pour travail dissimulé. Le 18 septembre 2003, c’est enfin le TGI de Saint Etienne qui leur repassait le plat : Alexandre était condamné par défaut – il était en fuite – à deux ans et 4 mois de prison ferme pour publicité mensongère et tromperie. Un mandat d’arrêt était délivré à son encontre. Son frère Grégoire ex-administrateur et directeur financier de l’affaire, écopait lui de 6 mois ferme pour « entrave à l’exercice de la profession d’inspecteur du travail » et « refus de communiquer des documents à la DGCCRF ».
Ce sont finalement plus de 1 300 plaintes de consommateurs qui ont été enregistrées par la DGCCRF à l’encontre de la société. Bref le Père Noël était véritablement une ordure…. Malheureusement, les tribunaux chargés de lui tirer les oreilles n’ont semble-t-il pas pensé à demander à Clearstream pour quelle raison et dans quelles conditions un compte avait bien pu lui être ouvert dans les livres de la chambre de compensation internationale, et surtout, un petit coup de main pour retrouver le flouze envolé normalement destiné aux cadeaux et sans doute planqué dans sa hotte…

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jeudi 19 février 2015

The Bank of God. Today, see the Ambrosiano Banco accounts @ clearstream Luxembourg

Today find the Ambrosiano Banco accounts @ cleastream Luxembourg

English version; Version Francaise en bas de page.

Clearstream scandal[edit]

Further information: Clearstream
Just before the media revealed the Ambrosiano scandal, Gérard Soisson, manager of transaction clearing company Clearstream, was found dead in Corsica, two months after Ernest Backes's dismissal from Clearstream in May 1983. Banco Ambrosiano was one of the many banks to have un-published accounts in Clearstream. Backes, formerly the third highest-ranking officer of Clearstream and a primary source for Denis Robert's book on Clearstream's scandal, Revelation$, claims he "was fired because (he) knew too much about the Ambrosiano scandal. When Soisson died, the Ambrosiano affair wasn't yet known as a scandal. (After it was revealed) I realized that Soisson and I had been at the crossroads. We moved all those transactions known later in the scandal to Lima and other branches. Nobody even knew there was a Banco Ambrosiano branch in Lima and other South American countries." [6] As of 2005, while the Italian justice has opened up again the investigation concerning the murder of Roberto Calvi, Ambrosiano's chairman, it has asked the support of Ernest Backes, and will investigate Gerard Soisson's death, according to Lucy Komisar. Licio Gelli, headmaster of P2 masonic lodge, and mafioso Giuseppe "Pippo" Calò, are being prosecuted for the assassination of Roberto Calvi.

Ambrosiano accounts @ Clearstream Luxembourg

French Version

L'affaire Clearstream[modifier | modifier le code]

En juillet 1983, juste avant que l'affaire Ambrosiano soit rendue publique, Gérard Soisson, manager de la chambre de compensation Clearstream, fut retrouvé mort en Corse. Deux mois avant, Ernest Backes, numéro trois de Clearstream, était licencié (il écrira plus tard un livre avec le journaliste Denis RobertRévélation$, dénonçant un système de comptes non-publiés chez Clearstream, qui en ferait une machine globale à blanchir l'argent). Ernest Backes affirme dans ce livre, publié en 2002, que son licenciement était lié au scandale Ambrosiano : « Lorsque Soisson fut tué, l'affaire Ambrosiano n'était pas encore devenue un scandale. [Une fois révélée], je réalisais que Soisson et moi avions été au croisement. On bougeait toutes ces transactions dont on apprit plus tard l'existence à Lima et dans d'autres succursales. Personne d'autre ne savait qu'il y avait des filiales de la Banque Ambrosiano à Lima et dans d'autres pays sud-américains » 1.
Le juge italien enquêtant en 2006 sur la mort de Roberto Calvi en 1982 a demandé l'aide d'Ernest Backes, interrogeant par ailleurs le grand-maître de P2, Licio Gelli. Selon la journaliste Lucy Komisar, il enquêtera aussi sur la mort de Gérard Soisson. À part Licio Gelli, le mafieux Giuseppe Calò (alias « Pipo Calo ») est l'un des principaux accusés de la mort de Calvi.
Selon le journaliste David Yallop, Roberto Calvi aurait été responsable de la mort d'Albino Luciani qui, en tant que pape Jean-Paul Ier, préparait une réforme des finances du Vatican. La famille de Calvi prétend que ce dernier était un honnête homme manipulé par d'autres. Selon les juges qui ont accusé Licio Gelli et Giuseppe Calò, le grand-maître de P2 aurait ordonné sa mort afin de le punir pour des détournements de fonds, effectués à son bénéfice personnel, qui appartenaient à Gelli lui-même et à la mafia. La mafia elle-même aurait voulu empêcher la justice de découvrir comment Calvi l'aidait à blanchir de l'argent.

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mercredi 18 février 2015

Find the Menatep Account @ clearstream Luxembourg
The bank's financial condition was seriously damaged during the 1998 financial crisis due to a requirement by the Russian Central Bank that all commercial banks keep an economically untenable proportion of their reserve requirements in Russian treasury bills known as GKO, which subsequently collapsed, causing a default which led to the crisis and Bank Menatep's bankruptcy. The Central Bank revoked Menatep's licence in May 1999. However, according to Ernest Backes, former #3 of Clearstream, a clearing-house which has been qualified as a "bank of banks", Menatep maintained an unpublished secret account at Clearstream until at least 2000. The bankruptcy was finalized by February 2001. In an unprecedented move, the core shareholders of the bank, the financial holding Group Menatep, of which Khodorkovsky was a principal, made a decision to pay their own money to all 15,000 Bank Menatep small depositors whose savings had been wiped out by the collapse. A new Bank Menatep Saint Petersburg was created from the Saint Petersburg division of Bank Menatep. It accumulated the assets but not the liabilities of the original bank.[citation needed] In 2004 the bank was bought by the management and renamed to Trust National Bank.
Menatep account @ clearstream Luxembourg

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13 Siemens accounts in Clearstream Luxembourg

Today, find the 13 Siemens accounts in Clearstream Luxembourg. In 2001, the system allowed bank to use clearstream. Siemens is not really a bank... Unpublished accounts and global fraud (see link)

Siemens Accounts @ clearstream Luxembourg

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Unilever-Clearstream accounts

Today, find the 3 Unilever accounts in Clearstream Luxembourg. In 2001, the system allowed bank to use clearstream. Unilever is not really a bank... Unpublished accounts

Unilever Unpublished accounts @ clearstream Luxembourg where bank were only allowed
Comptes non publiés d'Unilever @ clearstream. Seules les banques étaient autorisées dans le système.

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mardi 17 février 2015

UBS - Clearstream - Published and unpublished accounts


Today c
heck the 153 UBS bank account @ clearstream  Luxembourg
Voici le principe; Chaque jour nous publions un numéro de client de la Firme Germano-Luxembourgeoise; Numéro de compte, date d'ouverture, Lieu d'établissement, statut publié, non publié. Un travail pas bien compliqué puisque ces données sont en ligne, et de manière un peu éparpillée, il vrai. Re-centralisons.
See Clearstream Luxembourg Bank accounts (published and unpublished)

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